Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis: Master Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Global Thought Leader
Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis empowers people globally through coaching, hypnotherapy, speaking, and her podcast, guiding them toward personal growth

Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis has been a fantastic force in the arena of personal development for over two decades. A Master Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and International Motivational Speaker, she has made her career helping people break into their full potential and fulfill their dreams. Her notable expertise in hypnotherapy has empowered hundreds of clients with the energy to break across scary and limiting belief barriers into stepping outside comfort zones while embracing their true potential.
Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis, a renowned and respected hypnotherapist, has a proven track record of guiding people toward profound life transformations, which she believes happen way beyond the comfort zone. Her philosophy is simple: the comfort zone is where dreams go to die, and the only way to live fully is to face challenges head-on and grow through them. Elisabeth's ability to inspire action has made her one of the most sought-after life coaches and speakers, engaging audiences and clients from all over the world.
Prof. Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis is an experience explorer who has traveled to over 100 countries and brings a global perspective to her work. She speaks six languages fluently and has profound knowledge of cultures and people, which is even more important in connecting with clients from diverse walks of life. That urge to travel and connect with humans has inspired a brilliant podcast, Most Memorable Journeys, in which she shares personal experiences of the places and people with whom she connected during her journeys—from remote villages to bustling cities, each episode has valuable lessons on resilience, personal growth, and stepping into the unknown. The podcast has gained a massive viewership for such inspiring content and real storytelling—a must-listen for anyone on a quest for personal as well as professional development.

Elisabeth podcasts besides coaching and writes in The Soulkit—an authored book with the intention of guiding people to overcome procrastination, age-related anxieties, fears, phobias, and bad habits. The book is a practical guide to navigating life's difficulties and finding joy and excitement in every part of the journey. Inspired by the success of the concepts she shares in seminars and private sessions, Elisabeth teamed up with Sarah-Jane Linley to produce this transformative content, making it accessible to more people. Want to know more about The Soulkit or order a copy? Click here.
Besides her personal coaching and writing, Elisabeth Villiger Toufexis has also entered the international speaking arena, traveling from Zurich to Dubai and speaking in front of audiences all over the world—from London, Bucharest, Tirana, and beyond. She usually delivers inspirational speeches that inspire people to act and take charge of their lives. She was the director of Global Woman Club in New York and Cyprus and led women's empowerment to a higher level through leadership, networking, and professional development.
As successful as her career is, Elisabeth's private life is equally fulfilling. Her success at work is matched by a harmonious private life—over 20 years of happy marriage, two grown children, and the perfect balance between work and family, allowing her to combine a well-performing career with a thriving personal life. Her long-lasting dedication to her family and her clients is a testament to her passion for helping others.

Her ultimate mission is simple yet profound: "To leave everyone I meet a little bit happier than they were before they met me." Elisabeth believes that life's challenges affect everyone, but it’s how we react to them and what we learn from them that truly matters. This strong optimism and drive to help others have formed the foundation of her successful career as a life coach, speaker, and author.
To explore more about Elisabeth's life-changing work and services, visit The Soul Kit, where you can find resources to help you turn your dreams into reality and achieve your full potential.